Donate Online to Canada
You will receive a Canadian tax receipt for your donation (CRA Registration #864940291RR0001)
Donate Online to U.S.A.
You will receive an American tax receipt for your donation as we are a registered 501c3 organization
Donate by Mail to Canada
Carey Outreach Ministries INC.
17a-218 Silvercreek Pkwy. N.
Suite #338
Guelph, ON
Canada, N1H 8E8
Donate by Mail to U.S.A.
Carey International pastoral training
720 S. Eastwood Drive, #238
Woodstock, IL. 60098
Carey-USA is now taking Cryptocurrency Donations. If you would like to donate cryptocurrency please click below:
Donation Policy:
Spending of funds is confined to the programs of the charity. Each gift designated toward a program approved by the board of directors will be used as designated. When any given need has been met, or where projects cannot be reasonably carried out, the donor agrees that designated gifts may be used where needed most.
15% of your donation goes towards administration costs